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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.161
801 - Looking for family

Bob Leo

Hello. My name is Sylvia Terpolilli Occhino. I am trying to find relatives by the Terpolilli name that live in the town of Fresagrandinaria. My father was John Terpolilli who was born in 1896. His mother's name was Camilla DiPaolo. . To my knowledge, she died when John was three years old. His father remarried, and had several children. I am trying to locate these children. Could you direct me to the town hall, or someone there in Fresagrandinario who could diret me to the right place. Thanking you in advance for your help, I remain Sylvia Terpolilli Occhino Thanking you in advance

802 - Looking For Rosati's

Dino Rosati

I was born in upstate New York near Albany. My parents & grandparents emmigrated from Abbruzzo in the 1950's. My father's family is from Roccamorice, in the province of Pescara. My mother's family (Ceccomancini's) is from Scafa & S.Valentino, also in the province of Pescara. I've been to both towns on several occasions in the past few years and would be delighted to hear from anyone with similar roots or surnames.

803 - Rita Chenier

Rita Chenier

Greetings: Looking for SERAFINI and OTTAVIANO geneology. Serafinis from Avezzano L'Auila (sp?) and the Ottavianos from Civitella-Roveto area of Abuzze. Emigated to Pennyslvania in 1900. Now in Rochester, NY area. My grandparents came from Avezzano L'Aquila and Civitello Roveto(sp?). Grandfather's veto(sp?). My grandfather's name was Giovanni Serafini emigrated in 1900, to PA)and my grandmother's name was Domenica Ottoviani(o). Anyone with information on these 2 families, please email me. Thank you. Rita Chenier Avezzano L'Aquila(sp?)

804 - Elvio D'Alfonso



805 - Roberto "Bob" Marino



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