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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.84
416 - AbruzzoMio: father born there; still have family there

Julia Moser

Happy to correspond with anyone who loves Abruzzo. My family is from Pacentro/Abbeteggio/San Valentino. My father's last name is Di Pierdomenico. Anyone with information about ancestors, please contact me via e-mail. E-mail in italiano anche se non rido a mio italiano!!!!

417 - AbruzzoMio: Valle Peligna

Lisa Sandonato

To all: I have just returned from Prezza, near sulmona, where I was living there for a few months. I found out a lot about the history and the people of the town, all so terribly interesting. For those of you who have relatives from the Abruzzo, everyone should make an effort to visit the cities of their ancestors and learn as much as you can, hopefully we can prevent the culture and tradition from dying out. if youre from Prezza or its nearby areas: Raaino, Pratola P. Sulmona, etc... I'd love to hear from you... A presto, Lisa

418 - AbruzzoMio: genealogy (Lippis & Divenzio)

Sue Morton

I am researching my family tree. My great grandparents came from Chieti. Nikolas Lippis and Assunta DiVenzio. They came to USA in 19011, 1920 respectively.

419 - AbruzzoMio: Campobasso, and surrounding areas

Donna Palombo Hennessey

My father, Nicolino, was born in Campobasso, Italy to Antonio and Assunta Maria Palombo . Her maiden name was Petrucci, Names in this family line are: Palombo, Petrucci, Storto, Fratangelo,DiFabio,. I'm sure there are more I am not aware of. Nicolino had a 2 bros. and 1 sister, Domenick and Louis, and Josephine (still Alive). His grandfather was Domenico, and great-grandfather was Giocomantonio Palombo.Giocomantonio married Marianna DiFabio. I have her father as Domenico DiFabio. I am at a standstill at Giocomantonio's Father. My father was born 1921. He is deceased 6/98. Any Palombo that has any family history this far back on this line or any Palombo information, please e-mail me. Hennessey@iline.com Sincerely, Donna Palombo P.s. This family came over on the S.S. Duilio 1927 (August) and settled in Pittsburgh, Pa, USA in the Homewood area and Springdale, PA. USA area. Palombos and some DiFabios went on to the Cleveland , Ohio area.

420 - AbruzzoMio: L'aquil,Ofena/ Castelvechio

Angie Pacione

I'm working on my family tree, the surnames are Mancini and Pacione. Any information would be appreciated

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