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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.173

Gianmarco Marchetti

Vorrei fare amicizia con delle ragazze della val di sangro Je voudrais faire connaissance avec des filles de la val di sangro

862 - Colledimachine, Provinca di Chieti

Anthony M. Falcone

Hello everyone, my name is Anthony Michael Falcone and I live in New York City. I'm a first generation American whose parents are natives of Colledimachine, Italy. I've compiled a significant amount of information on my family history, going back 7 generations (my great-g-g-g-g grandfather). Of course there' alot of FALCONEs, but also GAGLIARDI, SCHINA, GRANDOLFO, DELLI PIZZI, DIGIANANTONIO, and others. I'm very interested in corresponding with other descendants, friends and residents of Colledimachine and look forward to visiting again (3rd time's a charm!). Bye

863 - Altino - Casoli

Frank Braccia

My family name is Braccia and althought born in Philadelphia I am Abruzzese in Heritage. My family came from Altino anout 35 K from Lanciano and next to casoli. As I see it the Braccia family name exist only in this area. I also have the following Abruzzese cogmome in my blood line- Oratorio and Farina This branch of my family is from outside Ortona in a place called Melanca or something close to it. Go to Abruzzo once a year and love to hear from others from this area or with information on these family names and general Italian American interested in his or her heritage

864 - Visiting

Gary Tilley

My maternal Grandmother came from Palena. Joseph Liberatore and Mary DeEmelo came to the US around 1900. They were my Grandmother's parents. I have been to Italy but my mother never has. My wife and I are bringing her during Easter this year. We will be leaving Florence after mass on Easter and want to get close to Palena that day. We were thinking of stopping in L'Aquilia but we don't if lodging is available or if there is somewhere better as we approach Palena. Any assistance on roads to travel, places to stay, present family relations would be wonderful.

865 - Franco S. D'Angelo

Franco S. D'Angelo


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