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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.159
791 - Sister Cities!

David Cecchi

I live in the town of Agawam, Massachusetts, in the United States, and we are looking to establish a 'sister city'relationship with a town of approx. 80,000 to 85,000 persons. Agawam has an agricultural past, but is now very residential, with many new businesses, from manufacturing to high-tech. I am looking for information on any towns in Abruzzo which are similar and are interested in a sister city relationship. Please send information as soon as possible. Thank you.

792 - Looking for Family Info!!!

Keri Richwine

My maternal grandfather was from Abruzzi- I believe Campobasso. He came to the US in 1915 at the age of 17. I am looking for any information about him or the rest of his family. His name was Ferdinando Antonio Iacampo. The last name may have been changed when entering Ellis Island. I have papers with the last name as being DiCampo and DaCampo. I know his younger brother remained in Italy. His name is/was Bernardo. Please help in anyway you can- even the e-mail address of the Abruzzo phone directory would help! Thank you more than words can say! - Keri

793 - Father's home town

Joe Bucci

I am interested in Abruzzo and want to learn a lot more. The town my father comes from is Gamberale (CHIETI), which I like so much. Please e-mail me back and let me know when it is the best time to visit. I would like to take a tour!!!

794 - Familia Sciocchetti de Chieti Scalo

Adriano Sciocchetti

I am 2 years old;my father Andrew is the son of Andrea Adriano Sciocchetti, who arrived in Schenectady, New York in 1960. I have extensive family ties to the Schenectady area and many relatives in Chieti. My nonna, Lina (DeLeonardis) married nonno Andrea, and still has many relatives in the town of Spoldore, near Chieti. I realize many Sciocchetti's live in and around the state of Pennsylvania. Any relations? Saluti a tuti.

795 - Ofena research

Nicola Marini

I am making research about Ofena's story and I search the people that are of origine ofenese for reconstructing,with my father, Gigetto Marini and my uncle Fausto Cantera,the principal migrator movements of this village of the L'Aquila's distrect.Bye-bye

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