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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.148
736 - contattare altri Chiocchio e gente proveniente da Co

Fausto Chiocchio

Hi! My name is Fausto, I was born in Cocullo (L'Aquila) I would like to contact other people coming from Cocullo, in Italy and abroad. Ciao! Mi chiamo Fausto e sono nato a Cocullo provincia dell'Aquila. Desidererei contattare altre persone provenienti da Cocullo, in Italia e all'estero.

737 - Grandparents Born Villa Santa

JoAnn Bergonzi

I would like to learn as much as possible about Abruzzo and Villa Santa Maria. My grandparents, Ulderico Salvatore and Maria Biaze Canecchia were born and married here. They left in 1096 with their first child, Anna Domenica, to come to the USA. I would love to find relativies which I am sure are still here in Villa Santa Maria. Until I do I would love to become more familiar with the area in any way I can.

738 - Chieti, Fara San Martino

Dale DeCecco

My grandfather and mother were from Fara San Martino and came to Pennsylvania in 1900. Settled in Erie, PA. My dad and grand father are both gone now and I am an only child with an 85 yrs old mom who remembers nothing about the family so I need hekp with tracing my family in Italy. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Our names were DeCecco, Orsatti, Ranalli. Thank You......

739 - family in Corropoli

Anthony Fanticola

Hello! My name is Anthony Fanticola and I am a second generation Italian-American. My grandfather came to America around 1914. Our name has been changed, when he immigrated. His name was Domenicoantonio FONDICOLI. I would like any information on our home town of CORROPOLI and if there are any relatives. I have more info and will include it in this message at a later date. Please e-mail me if there any info and mille grazie.

740 - PURPURA Family Roots

N Purpura

I am a third-generation Italian American. Most of my ancestors came from Sicily. I am searching for information on the PURPURA (PORPORA) family. I believe my great, great grandfather was born in Cefalu. Please, if you can provide any information, email me at AMCnpp@aol.com. Mille grazie!

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